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English Simple Present Tense And Adverb Of Frequency

Hello Ladies Or Gentleman 

English , I think it is means of communication between human beings . Do you like english ????????????????
Now , I try to explain what i knew of english , and try to make it easy , yeah , if you want to faster to study english , You should know what's it the word , oh !!! not really , but that's importance too .

Now I will explain to you , how to use adverb of frequency , and what is it ? adverb of frequency is words that show the habit , daily activities , routine ,and general truth , yeah something like that .

These adverb of frequency :  Never , Rarely or Seldom , Sometimes , Often , Usually , Always .
It used for type of  Simple Present tense . Now Look at the image below :

The above picture describes a simple sentence and the verb which is suitable for you make your own sentences according to custom - or each of the questions that require to use the verb frequency.and percent to differentiate limit your habits, the lower the more rare or higher means higher.
Then remember it is word SHE / HE / IT =VERB+S
So!!! If You try to make a sentence but you have to use She / He / It remember you have to use S at Verb

Look at sentence above , now you can try to use the present tense and make a sentence with adverb of frequency , you can try to write it or try to speak . Don't forget to develop your sentences using new words, and you are now able to share more widely about english .

Well , sorry if there are many drawbacks to the article above ,I hope you can understand and useful for all of you .



Simple Present tense

Speaking English and why not ???

The reason of people around me always be same , they are not using english because just say "ENOUGH" do you know what i meant for the ENOUGH word , because it had enough with their own language .
Now , it's not importance , i am just want to make my english part here , and i have to share with you  
( I heard my heart ) hahaha... i make this articles "ENGLISH PART " for myself and who you are want to it's too! My advice for you if you want to learn english well you should be trying add a new word everyday , just 1 - 5 words then you try to say it , and if you want to make it easy to remember of words you have to often to use english with everybody who's like you ( love english ) . Don't forget to take a dictionary , whatever what they say to you , it's about you , just take it easy !!! Now the simple of english lesson :


I / WE / YOU / THEY  + Infinitive
HE / SHE / IT + Infinitive + S/ES

Example : - I often to play the game
                  - He often to plays the game

Look at above sentence of example , you can see where's the sentence use 
" S after infinitive or not " If you make a negative sentence it will be same of the example 

Example : - I don't eat noodle at midnight 
                  - He  doesn't eat noodle at midnight

Look at above sentence of example , if you use " Do or don't" it should be using S/ES or not
you can distinguishing . simple words for it is if you use " I / WE / YOU / THEY  just not with S/ES" And if you use " HE / SHE / IT  just add  S/ES "

You can develop your own from the examples above sentence , and simple present tense just to use a simple condition , not to use the past or the future thing .

check another articles to get more example of english

Derawan Island in borneo

Derawan Island - Borneo , Regency of Berau
If you think for tours, sea turtles could be an option that as good as other places, the island is simple and has been occupied by local people, and money to the island is not very expensive, local residents have a place to stay, luxury and excess of This island is still new and virgin, so to beauty and hygiene are still very fresh to sever the head of the brain that may be tired, the island's local residents to make a variety of small objects that can be brought home as small gifts for your friends or your brothers and sisters, and scenery really spoil the eye.You can come alone, with family or with a lover, because in this place not too crowded still, you can enjoy the island surrounded by turquoise seas, and the air is very different from urban areas, enjoy this place like a private place.
you can enjoy the relaxed, and do not forget to bring your music box, music box fill you with songs you like and fit for the island, and feel the slap awesome than a cool breeze here.Do not forget to prepare the camera to create photo albums and memories here, or you'll miss him, to relax by the sea while enjoying the fresh air and unspoiled natural scenery with a cup of coffee or tea, even my personal experience here will be remembered always and make me I smile just from the pictures that I made from my cell phone.

still stored image is a picture of the island as well as in times 5:49 am when the sun was rising, listen to really make sure the problem, you will be silent and make your hands move to take this picture.
I woke up without knowing where I'll watch the sunrise, it was a surprise and I'm sorry for telling this, if you plan to this place, do not tell your partner, make this scene is present, unfortunately this time I came with my brother.

 there appeared a handsome man was relaxing "me" and just enjoy wasting time by indulging brains of pollution of the city, I did not even know my friend's brother took the picture, it is only from the phone but I like it, looks more natural because it is a natural win on added a cool object "me " well, if you're still alive and still can why not try, even the Indonesian people still do not know much about this place. there the story really fun and really made me think back to get there, but still looking for another place and hope my luck, amen! why pray? just for jokes, if you want to try here might be able to click "here"
 may be sufficient to my story here for you, greetings of peace to you all from the online shared (the author)

Pulau kumala

Kumala ISLAND IN Kartanegara
Land In aquatic mammal or rather more commonly spelled Tenggarong town there was also an island that can be visited and has its own history. usually at the end of the island used to cross the island by boat or cable car, only by excluding some costs you can listen to the beauty of space around the island. there are statues that became icons of the island like that plastered the pictures on the side. for more details you can click here, island of the many things you can do and enjoy and learn as well as those looking to experience aquatic mammal.

Wisata Kalimantan Timur

This is a picture of traditional dance from the Dayak tribe in Borneo in general, but this is one that you can see when visiting an island in East Borneo.

In general they are quite strong in the arts of dance and war, the dance is slightly different from the various dances in the area this. the  meaning of the dance is strength and determination
Dayak is tribe.Usually, the provincial government in each year held a dance contest, either in any city, you also can see dance from a variety of other areas that also comes from the archipelago.You'll be so amazed and proud when watching this dance, as this will make you new insights and new experiences to know the customs and culture of our archipelago.

It's nice to know more about this custom. to find out more info you can click here.

Etnic knowledge of indonesian ( Banjarese )

The Banjar (or Banjarese) are a coastal, native ethnic group that settled in Tanah Laut and Banjarmasin in the south and in Hulu Sungai in the north of South Kalimantan,, Indonesia, the second largest city on the island of Borneo. Several centuries ago, some of them had travelled to many places in the Malay archipelago. They set up pockets of settlement there, in Perak (mostly in Parit Buntar and Teluk Intan region), Selangor around (Sabak Bernam and Sungai Besar), in Johor (Batu Pahat), in Medan as well as other places. The Banjarese people are made up of the native Dayaks, other Malays from Sumatra, and Javanese from Java.


The Proto-Malay people migrated to Kalimantan/Borneo in 2500 BC. They were the ancestors of the Dayak people (Ot Danum). In 2500 BC, the Deutero Malay migrated to Kalimantan/Borneo. The Malay people from Sumatra brought their culture to Kalimantan/Borneo in 400 AD. The fusion of the cultures saw the birth of the Benjar Hulu language. Later, in 520 AD, the Malays formed the Buddhist Kingdom of Tanjungpuri in the present-day region of Tanjung, Tabalong.
In 1200 AD, Empu Jatmika built the Hindu Kingdom of Negara Dipa by the river of Tapin. This was the start of the Javanese-style courts in South Kalimantan. The Hindu era in South Kalimantan remained the most remembered period in South Kalimantan's history. The glory of Negara Dipa was succeeded by the Hindu Kingdom of Negara Daha in 1400 AD.
According to history, Prince Samudera, the rightful heir to the kingdom of Negara Daha, was forced to flee the court of because of his uncle's revolt against him. He was accepted by the people of Bandar Masih (Bandar=port, Masih=Malay people). Supported by the Sultanate of Demak, he formed a new Islamic Banjar Kingdom in 1526 with Bandar Masih as its capital. The name of Bandar Masih was later changed to Banjarmasin.


Relations with Dayaks

 more information :

The relationship between Banjar people and the neighboring Dayaks have always been good. Some of the Dayaks who had converted to Islam have also assimilated into the Banjar culture and call themselves Banjar. The Dayaks also think of the Banjars as their brothers and sisters. This is further strengthened by the fact there are many inter-marriages between the Banjars and the Dayaks, even among the members of the royalty. For example, Biang Lawai, a wife of a Banjar king was of Dayak Ngaju ethnicity. This means that the Banjarese Kings and Queens have Dayaks lineage in their blood.

This relationship grew strong when both ethnicities faced colonization by the Dutch in the 18th century. They became comrades in an age of war. Some of the warriors involved in Banjar War are of Dayak ethnicities or have Dayaks lineage in their blood. For example:
  1.  Panglima Batur, who was of  Dayak Siang Murung ethnicity,
  2. Panglima Wangkang, whose his father was a Dayak Bakumpai and whose mother was a Banjar,
  3. Panglima Batu Balot (Tumenggung Marha Lahew), a female warrior who attacked Fort Muara Teweh in 1864-1865.  


 Banjarese architecture

This article is about the architecture features of Banjar people of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. There are several types of traditional houses of the Banjarese:
  1. Bubungan Tinggi
  2. Gajah Baliku
  3. Gajah Manyusu
  4. Balai Laki
  5. Balai Bini
  6. Palimbangan
  7. Palimasan (Rumah Gajah)
  8. Anjung Surung (Rumah Cacak Burung)
  9. Tadah Alas
  10. Rumah Lanting
  11. Joglo Gudang
  12. Bangun Gudang
Traditional Architecture of Religious Structures:
  1. Candi Laras
  2. Candi Agung
  3. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah 

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